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Stadium Trail


Project Information

The city of Peoria is designing and constructing a new multi-use trail on the north side of Skunk Creek between 83rd Avenue and 73rd Avenue. With over 20 miles of multi-use trails and paths, Stadium Trail will provide an important segment of the trail system providing direct non-motorized access into the Peoria Sport Complex and P83 Entertainment district, the spring training home of the Seattle Mariners, the San Diego Padres, and the Peoria Javelinas. In addition to the connection to the Sports complex and P83 the trail will connect to the ACDC trail system on the southeast, the Skunk Creek Trail in the northeast, and the New River Trail system and the Skunk Creek Trailhead on the southwest, filling in a critical gap in the regional trail system.

Stadium Trail, a notable piece of the Peoria and regional trail system, began in 2016 with the successful award of a MAG Design Assistance Grant that was used to develop the overall concept plans for the project.

Phase 1

Phase 1 will begin in fall 2023 and continue through summer 2024. Federal Funding was obtained for construction of Phase 1. The general alignment of Phase 1 (shown on the map) consists of a 12-foot-wide multi-use path with a 4-foot-wide soft shoulder on one side and a 2-foot-wide shoulder on the other. There will be a new safety railing along the embankment with Skunk Creek.


The contractor for this project, Meridian Construction, will begin construction on the new trail on the north side of Skunk Creek between 83rd Avenue and 73rd Avenue. The new trail will extend from an existing sidewalk connection on 83rd Avenue, just north of the 83rd Avenue bridge, and will continue along the north bank of Skunk Creek to an existing short segment of trail near Paradise Lane. This phase of construction also includes a short segment of trail east of 75th Avenue along the north bank of Skunk Creek. Construction is anticipated to begin in September 2023 and continue through June 2024.

Stadium Trail Cross Section[13]


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Phase 2

Phase 2 design has begun and will include a pedestrian bridge over Skunk Creek, an undercrossing of the 75th Avenue bridge, and a connection to the regional trail system. The design for Phase 2 will be completed in 2023 and construction will begin following the completion of Federal permitting.


The type of bridge recommended for the project is a single span steel truss bridge. This bridge type was chosen based on a number of factors, including the estimated construction costs, maintenance efficiency, and because it is consistent with other existing pedestrian bridges in Peoria. Color options for the bridge are being considered, focusing on similar colors used in the Peoria Sports Complex. Alternative color combinations are also being considered in the final design process.


Proposed Stadium Trail Bridge Design

Proposed Stadium Trail Bridge Design


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